Independent research and consultancy to improve grass and forage yields

ADAS is home to experienced teams of soil, crop and livestock research scientists and consultants who specialise in grass and forage crop production. 

Independence, combined with a wide breadth of experience, is our strength. We offer applied research and consultancy for both private and public sectors. Our clients include farmers, levy bodies (e.g. AHDB), government, water companies, fertiliser and crop protection companies, and manufacturers,.

Grassland and Forage Research

As scientists, we offer independent, scientifically-rigorous experiments and trials to investigate grassland performance. We use small plot trails and agronomic line trials to compare treatments and find new ways to enhance forage yield and quality. Our research can assist with the development of new products, or help clients uncover new, better ways of working that are both profitable and sustainable.

Learn more about our research service

Comparing satellite and drone imagery

Grassland and Forage Advice

As consultants, we’re in the field helping farmers to understand their grass crop and make informed decisions to improve yields. We help to address limitations to grass growth such as soil compaction, a pH imbalance, or pest and weed pressures. When it comes to forage preservation, we can advise on the most suitable methods to maintain good nutrient quality and meet the needs of livestock.

Learn more about our consultancy service


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